Have you ever found yourself triggered by something you thought you were over?
I’ve experienced this myself recently.
As humans we tend to have the idea that once we work through something, we are done. More and more I think that is not the case. I think it’s really about a lifelong journey or orbiting the same issues and getting to work through them in different dynamics and different places.
This is part of the reason why The Star has always been my favorite tarot card. Before I even knew the meaning of the card, I loved it. The Smith-Waite version of the card shows a naked woman with one foot in the water, one foot on the shore, pouring water onto the shore and back into the sea.
I love this card because it represents our ability to call our own natural and inherent ability to heal. We spend so much of our lives searching for answers or validation outside of ourselves. We go to therapy, we talk to friends, we read self-help books but when it comes down to it we are responsible for our own healing. No one can do it do us.
Healing from trauma is hard work. It requires a level of observation and compassion for yourself that is challenging on a good day and almost impossible on a bad day.
I have been on my own journey to move through this over the past fifteen years and I am really excited to share what I’ve learned about it with my students this month and next in my Star Embodiment Tarot workshop.
I don’t like to play favorites but it is probably the workshop I have been most excited for. This Class, Tramuting Trauma with the Star, is a great way to learn about how you can participate in your healing outside therapy, and self-help books. This class is all about how to embody this power to transmute our trauma into something that serves us instead of something that defines us. (Links to sign up are here.)
On a more personal note, I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. I feel like I blinked and it’s been six months since I made the full time leap. A lot had changed.
October was my busiest month with events so far. My residency at Chaddsford Winery was a huge success and a huge lesson to me in just asking for what I want. I was so afraid to ask them if I could read at their Adult Trick or Treat events because I thought I needed to know someone or have a person connection. They could not have been more gracious or excited to have me and I was so happy to be there.
I also did more parties than I ever as well as one expo and I had a real trial by fire in learning how manage my energy.
In the midst of all of this chaos I took my first business trip as a new business owner. I was more relaxed while traveling for that trip than I have ever been. I suppose that’s a good indication that I am on the right track.
I flew out to Seattle and met up with my old friend, Tanya. We have known each other since high school but it’s been a while since we have hung out. It was so nice to see her again and catch up and meet her little family. She invited me to speak about my experience as a medium and intuitive to a group of writers through the Eastside RWA.
The Eastside RWA is a group that holds meetings and events for local professional authors to inspire and help them develop professionally. I had a great time speaking to them for an hour about my experience as a medium, how intuition can work for you, and how to call on it when you need it.
They were an amazing audience. They were so engaged and asked questions for another forty-five minutes so it was the most I have spoken in front of an audience in about ten years.
I really enjoyed the whole trip and I’m happy I took the leap. I learn to trust myself a little more each day and I have my slip-ups.
I’ve learned that it’s not really about being fearless as much as it’s about being scared, and doing it anyway.
I have a lot of really exciting things coming in terms of offerings to prepare for the new year and some other cool workshops brewing. Keep an eye out for those in the next week or so.