Tarot is a wonderful tool for reflection is my number one use for it in my own practice.
This week I want to talk about how to reflect and grow with the tarot. A big part of this is by capturing your readings in a tarot journal. This will show you different phases of your journey. We often under-value our progress. It happens so gradually over time we miss how much we have learned.
That’s why one of my favorite spreads is my tarot for reflection spread. This spread is designed to bring you face to face with where you are now and what fears might be holding you back. Often those fears cause contraction that keeps us small and hovering inside of our comfort zone.
One of the great things about the tarot is that it can show us very directly what we think is true and compare that to what is actually true. Fear often acts as a mask that hides these things from us but in confronting fear head on with this type of spread we can take away it’s power and give ourselves an actionable way forward.
This spread was designed for readers of all levels. I use it once a quarter just as a check-in for where I am in my life and my business, but I also check in with it if I find myself reading on the same subject over and over.
I’m sure you’ve been there. Turning a card over, then drawing another, and maybe just one more until you’ve pulled like twenty cards and you’re completely confused.
I get it! We all do it but it can get really confusing if you’re reading on the same exact topic everyday.
That is why I use my Tarot for Reflection Spread. I created this spread to help separate fear and anxiety from true intuitive desire. I notice that I have a tendency to get locked into these little anxiety cycles and I struggle to pull apart what is real and true from a story that my anxiety is telling me. I know I am not alone in that and that is what drove me to share this spread.
Using this spread, we start to notice common fears that come up. This can lead to major breakthroughs. For example, maybe you notice that every time you approach a new relationship you have a tendency to start comparing it to all of your past romances and sabotage yourself – a real Seven of Swords vibe.
Maybe you notice that every time you are up for a promotion at work you work you start talking up a peer instead, or deflecting compliments from supervisors because you are afraid moving into a new position will mean failure – a real Moon Card feeling.
This knowledge is power because you will see how you react to fear and what you use as a crutch when you are feeling it. When we see these behavior patterns, we can interrupt them as they are happening and empower ourselves to embrace the fear as simply more information. This is the real beauty of the combination of journaling your tarot spreads and regularly using this Tarot for Reflection Spread.
If you would like access to this free offerings, you can find the Tarot for Reflection Spread here. As always, I would love to hear about your experience, so if you try one of the spreads please, send me an email and let me know how it went (Sheila at starsagespirit dot com) or tag me on instagram (@starsagespirit) and let me know how it went.
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