A few weeks back I showed a few spreads that I use to gain insight in my business when it comes to timing and focusing my energy. Today I want to talk about how I use tarot to help inform pricing in my business.
I have struggled over the past year in business with setting myself up for success with my pricing. A few months back I started using tarot as a tool to work through some fears about raising pricing and stepping into my worth.
I’ve spoken in the past about how I’ve felt undervalued in every job I have ever had, and that working for myself is the first time I ever felt properly compensated for my work. That said, I still struggle with some old money beliefs and tarot is an important tool for me to reflect on not just pricing but the value I provide.
Sometimes I dive really deep into these money blocks, other times I’m looking for a quick and dirty way to get to the bottom of the right price point for a product. The spread I did today is strictly about finding the correct price point by asking about what I would experience using several different prices.

Starting from lowest to highest – I’m not just looking to see which card is upright but I’m also looking to see the messages of each card. So often they resonate with what my personal feelings are about each price point.
This spread was one I did to check in on workshop pricing since all of my workshops are shifting online. While online does offer more accessibility, it’s also a lot of work for me to produce video content and get it uploaded and to set up all the users.
The five of coins reversed tells me that this first price point is a bit too low. It shows me feeling undervalued and a bit resentful if I were to use this pricing. Five of coins reversed is about not feeling supported and it’s clear this price point wouldn’t be supportive of my hard work.
Next I pulled five of swords reversed, my second five of the spread. This one is interesting because I see that I would feel like I was being bullied (by myself) into accepting less because of logistics, rather than actually feeling that my content is worth less. The five of swords shows a mental struggle with bullying myself mentally into being okay with something. This clearly still is not the right price point.
Four of Cups which shows me feeling like this is almost enough but not quite there. This is the price point I feel like I should offer. It sounds like enough. It compares to the market well, but there’s something about this number that still feels a little bit low to me. Four of cups is also a sign that there’s a big emotional investment for me and that I might be weighing that in too much. So I would say this card is also a sign that I need to take emotion out of the process in order to think clearly about this.
Two of Pentacles reversed this price point would find my challenging to balance the value of the content with the price. This is probably closer to what I should be charging and is a sign that maybe the price point needs to be revisited when I have the entire course completed and ready to go. I may become more robust than I was initially expecting.
Overall what I take form this full reading is that the right price point is probably somewhere between the Four of Cups and Two of Pentacles Reversed. There’s also an indication that I might need to fully plan out the entire offering and then revisit pricing so that I feel confident about it.
I hope this brings some insight into how tarot can apply to real life situations in business. If you enjoy pulling for yourself and are looking for spread ideas and options you can follow me on Instagram @starsagespirit or over on Facebook for bimonthly full moon and new moon spreads and other sporadic DIY tarot spreads.
And you can sign up for my FREE training Tarot for Real Life – Get Your Shit Together with the Tarot taking place Sunday 9/20 at 12 PM ET by signing up here.
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